Verified Cellular SIM Cards
As an alternative to the KVH Global cellular service, the TracNet™ antenna system supports the use of a third-party SIM card (standard size: 15 mm x 25 mm) for cellular connectivity. However, not all cell carriers currently support the antenna’s Terrestrial Communications Module (TCM) on their network. These SIM cards have been tested and verified by KVH to work with the TracNet system.
KVH will add to this list as we continue to work with cell carriers and verify more SIM cards. If your SIM card is not listed here, it may still work – it just might not have been tested yet by KVH. Contact KVH Technical Support at [email protected].
For details on installing your SIM card, refer to the topic in the KVH Manager Help.
Verified SIM Cards |
AT&T |
Datablaze |
M1 |
Puretalk |
Singtel |
Starhub |
T-Mobile |
Vodaphone |