KVH Crew Internet
The KVH Crew Internet Service provides vital connectivity to crews, allowing mariners to enjoy web and social connections while out at sea. The service provides a versatile, effectiveway to enhance crew morale and wellbeing through connectivity while managing your onboard data use for operational efficiency.
The KVH Crew Internet interface is convenient and user-friendly for both crew and fleet administrators.
Crew can log into a convenient portal to use data, track use, and budget their time spent online. They can enjoy their Crew Internet service no matter where they are within the fleet: their login and allocations follow them as they move from ship to ship, ensuring no disruption in their use of the service.
The fleet administrators team can access a convenient tab in the secure KVH Manager portal to set allocations and controls, and to view usage of the vessel or fleet.
Benefits of KVH Crew Internet
Provide a dedicated crew network for Internet access, and limit Internet access hours for crew per day
Data Management
Set crew data allocations on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as per connection type (e.g. satellite, cellular, Wi-Fi)
Crew login and allocations follow them as they move from ship to ship within a fleet.

TracNet Hybrid Terminals
KVH Crew Internet is currently available on TracNet terminals; it is not compatible with TracPhone systems. KVH QuickCrew is available on TracPhone terminals.
Pricing & Activation
KVH Crew Internet is a value-added service included with your KVH airtime plan at no extra charge. To start using KVH Crew Internet service, reach out to KVH airtime services at [email protected] and request to be activated.